
The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 公共服务学院 has absorbed the work of the Hart Center for Public Service. 合并, supported by the Hart Center for Public Service Board and President Davidson, offers 密歇根州立大学丹佛 a unique opportunity to prepare 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students to enter the public service sphere, 提供独特的, 多样化的, and representative voices into decision making spaces.

The Institute provides a public-service curriculum; coursework; high-profile speakers and guest instructors; significant public 事件, and paid 实习 for our students in a variety of sectors through individual or cohort-based programming. The aim is to have representation at the local, 状态, 和国家 levels.

Students are exposed to the diversity of opportunities available in public service, regardless of their disciplinary focus or major, through an interdisciplinary approach. The Institute supports and guides initiatives, both in and and out of the classroom, for students to gain practical skills that serve them in public spheres though academic programming, 实习, exposure to career opportunities in public service, a network of high-profile public servants, and high-profile public 事件.

公共服务学院 的一堂课


Legislative session at the 状态 capitol.


Through access to internship opportunities, 奖学金, 学历, 赞助的扬声器, 事件, & 客座教授奖学金, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students will be introduced to national, 状态, and local figures that have made public service their life’s work. This will provide them a roadmap to pursue their own public service passions and paths.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 student watching a legislative session at the 状态 capitol.


Provide our students public service opportunities incorporating social-economic mobility goals and credentials. Public service (especially in government) provides great jobs, great benefits, and high impact.

Six students walk across campus.


Our higher-level mission as an anchor institution is to “democratize” our 民主 by getting more of OUR students (high percentages of low income, minoritized, and first-generation) into the halls of government at all levels (local, 状态, federal) where policy is shaped and created.


1. Provide students an academic foundation for personal, meaningful engagement in public service, 民主, 和公民.

2. Expose students to high-profile leaders and decision-makers in sectors that fulfill public service needs, 例如:政府, 非营利组织, community-based organizations, 环境部门, 教育, 公共基础设施, 等.

3. Funding student 实习 at all levels: local, 状态, 和国家, providing access for 多样化的 and underrepresented voices into historically exclusive organizations and spaces.

4. Provide a pathway to careers in public service, regardless of major or disciplinary focus.

5. Demonstrate a crucial connection between public service organizations/systems and the need to engage the current generation of college students who will be embarking on careers in public service.



For questions or more information


Shaun LaBarre, Director, 公共服务学院






Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
P.O. 173362箱