密歇根州立大学丹佛 校董会 Resolution

Email from the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 校董会




As the 校董会 for Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, we have issued the below resolution to express the University’s commitment to engaging in the anti-racism work necessary to create systemic change:

美国举国哀悼. And it is critical we reassess what we have been doing to support racial justice and equity.

The threat against Black lives and the brutal structural racism that dehumanizes and destroys people of color cannot be ignored or pushed to the side by society any longer – the dam has broken, and waves of change will wash over our lives. Those that stay in silence are complicit in the violence against Black bodies. We know racism comes in many shapes and sizes affecting many groups, and what we aim to accomplish will serve to support racial justice, equity and inclusion for all.

There are no easy solutions to heal the racial trauma our Black students, 教师, staff and their families and communities have faced and continue to face. However, now is the time for disciplined and substantive action. This is a defining moment of our time.

Therefore, as the 校董会 for Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, we commit to:


  • We will review our policies and practices and commence dismantling institutionalized racism in our own institution by including BIPOC (Black, 土著, People of Color) voices in positions of power at every level of leadership and conducting open reviews for potential racial bias within our University’s policies and practice. This will require an honest, frank and humble look in the mirror, and we are ready.
  • We will lead conversations centered around racial justice in the context of higher education throughout Colorado. The 校董会 and senior leadership of the University will engage in ongoing training on racial bias and institutionalized racism and will find ways to share our growth with others.


  • 皇冠官网网站承诺倾听, 一起工作, 皇冠官网网站的学生, staff and 教师 and ensure they are equipped with the tools and support needed to dismantle structural racism and the enabled systemic inequities that result. We trust 皇冠官网网站的学生 and their ability to be architects of the change that is needed – change that will be both bottom up and top down. Our job is to feed the minds of a generation and era, helping cast the vision for a better future and providing 皇冠官网网站的学生 the tools to build it.


  • We will serve as a convener and bring together civic, 行业, public and nonprofit leaders, 积极分子, academics and our community to address the most pressing issues of racial justice facing our campus, 城市, 国家与世界.

This moment is testing all of us, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 as an academic institution and our society as a whole; but it is an open-note test … that we will not fail.


Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 校董会

马里奥•米. 卡雷拉

Bethany Fleck, 教师 trustee     
詹姆斯米. 穆里根先生.
Alaura Ward, student trustee